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  • Mind if we trade friend codes? I've not long had my 3ds and I don't have many friends to battle vs. Or to learn from.
    hey bro will you please add my FC and give me yours to add, 2337-4159-9569
    I'm trying to build up my friend Safari and could use all the help i can get, Once I have a large repertoire of Perfect IV poks I will start doing give away's especially to my first FC friends who helped made it possible.
    Greetings! Can we exchange friend codes for safari? I would be much obliged, been lookin for abra safari. My FC is 0361-7330-0756
    Thank you!
    Are you active in the dream world? If so please consider adding FC so we can be neighbors please and thank you:

    Aloha! register my code please so we can be neighbors

    BlAcK FC 1076 7219 4498

    I need you FC also! :P
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