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  • Hey so I ran out of luxury balls when trying to catch froagadier and I used two hours to catch two frogaodiers that are female with hidden ability. I caught you a premier ball one would that work.
    I replied to you in my thread but it was in an edit so pretty sure you wouldn't get the notification so I'm posting here :) I can trade now or whenever so let me know
    Okay should I trade you back the other one
    cant say
    cant say
    Nah keep it
    cant say
    cant say
    Oh man, I just checked the Battle Maison and your AI partner for Multis has Entei and Ambomasnow. In case you didn't know, Entei is a fucking boss for beating multis, and I have Entei mentioned specifically in my signature haha
    hey idk if you heard but i won nats with your terrakion and for worlds i would really like a nickname able terrakion and thundurus if you could trade me those 2 before worlds i would love it
    Hey,dude what does a register Nick name mean,and are gonna trade? VGC? Torunadus and Jellycant?
    Hey if you want me to EV a few mons of yours I'd be willing to in exchange for a copy. (I can clone myself finally) :)
    I'm glad you liked the banner. When you get time, could I get the Adamant untrained Sandile and Jolly trained Tornadus? Thanks.
    sorry about the wifi problem earlier i got it up and running but you seem to be unactive on irc so whenever you can i'll be ready
    sorry about not responding to you sooner i had to leave as my family had guests and i was pestered to hang out with them, anyways i'll send you in a pm the mons i wanted and we can trade whenever you're available to do so, just send me a vm when you're ready.
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