Elias PSY
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  • Salut, tu voudrais jouer quand pour NUCL ? Perso, je préfèrerais le vendredi soir ou le weekend si possible. Je te laisse me dire tes disponibilités.
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    Vendredi soir ça me va. 22h ?
    Ok ça marche, à vendredi alors !
    NU ssnl, -3. Any chances you could play next weekend (28-29)? I wont be home this weekend due to xmas holidays and likely wont have access to a computer either
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    I can play sunday 29 at 10pm+1
    Thats fine by me. Cya then
    Ill be on stours as lumi the dog
    ça donne quoi tes dispos pour la scl ce weekend?
    Ok dans ce cas disons dimanche entre 21h et 22h, ça t'irait ?
    Dans le doute, est-ce que t'es dispo un peu plus tard ? Souvent le dimanche je peux avoir une sortie improvisée et dans ces cas-là je suis de retour chez moi vers ~minuit/minuit 30.
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    On peut se fixer à 00h45 et si jamais tu peux jouer plus tôt on part sur 21h30 ?
    ça me va très bien comme ça, parfait !
    On doit se jouer en SCL. Je suis vraiment fort pris cette semaine. En supposant que tu sois français et +2, es-tu dispo mercredi soir ou vendredi aprèm ?
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    Salut, tu peux jouer Vendredi à 14-15h ?
    yes c'est parfait
    scl im -4, can u do friday 11am -4?
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    I'm able to play later sunday if needed around 5 to 7pm-4.
    Otherwise thursday works.
    Dr. Phd. BJ
    Dr. Phd. BJ
    Those times don't work, my weekend avail is kinda dire unfortunately. See you Thursday
    Dr. Phd. BJ
    Dr. Phd. BJ
    I am getting called into work today, are you by any chance able to do 5am-7am -4 Saturday? I apologize for the late notice
    hi when do you want to play for scl, i can play from 9 Am to 1 PM on saturday or from 1PM to 4 PM on sunday (all times in gmt -4)
    Run it today for NU seasonal r2? -4 free most of today and tomorrow around like noon to 4 pm -4. Weekend avail I'll msg tomorrow
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    I can play today too
    Does 4pm -4 works ?
    on smogtours as Kaboom64
    SS NU Cup. I'm GMT+11, prefer weekend evening/night my time; when can you play
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    Can you play monday at 11pm+11 ? I'm only available sunday during afternoon your time this week
    Hey! When do you want to play for nu circuit? I’m gmt-8. My schedule is a bit weird this week because I’m moving into college, but if you’re willing to play earlier in the week (like my Wednesday) that would be ideal
    gmt-7 can you play my saturday 10am
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    I'm not available saturday.
    I can play friday or sunday after 2pm -7
    sunday 2pm gmt-7 then
    hi we play for snake, im gmt -4, can we play on sunday at 10:45 AM for me. Pretty flexible this weekend with prior notice
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    Hi,can you play sunday at 5pm -4 ? I can try 11am but would like another option in case i'm unavailable this time
    the latest i can do on sunday is 3:45 PM gmt -4. Id much rather schedule one fixed time, let me know what works
    Elias PSY
    Elias PSY
    3.45 pm works
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