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  • I dunno. I say its close. I like the theme about the other one. The biggest problem for any team that I create is the appearance of a stupid Machamp. :P Hate those things
    Whew! Good to know it was swift swim. I though it was sniper for a long while until your Kingdra out speed Gengar. By that time I had no idea which ability you were running and I thought my Gengar was malfunctioning. :P Still that was an awesome come back on your part.
    yeah I agree for haxx ftl
    Still I like your team fun to play against :3
    yeah the dusknoir I have isn't close to a standard set, supportive actually. Will-o-wisp, t-room, curse, and pain split
    Thanks. Bulky Offence, Stall, and Trick Room. Those are what you should expect from me in most battles. If I'm not using one of those three team types, I'll probably loose though. 5th Gen is gonna hurt my play style though. >_<
    I was in a battle when you posted your message, but if you are still around, VM me back, and I'll meet you on.
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