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  • hi can you do 2 BP for me? timid treeko with HP ice and calm piplup with yawn-agility? non shiny , i can do ev projects for you ;)
    Hi, could I have redis rights on your Uxie? I traded it with PokeFanMan.
    Hi, do you catch Legendaries on your HGSS cartridge and have a Naive HP Grass spread?
    hi there, want to do our trade now? also, if you want you can pick another pokemon from my thread since i usually giveaway the pichu to anyone who asks :)
    I was away from my computer, and didn't see your messages before I typed mine. Not sure what was wrong. Sorry for the hold up, and thanks for the trade.

    If possible, could you let me know if it is the marked, or the unmarked Chansey that changes it name to Blissey upon evolution (suppossing you were going to evolve it).
    I keep getting the error message saying I'm not on your friend roster. Can you double check my Soul Silver f.c, please?
    Sorry for the delay. I had to look up the link to RockinX's trade thread.

    I need to send you to copies of Chansey. One of the two dosen't change it's nn when it evolves, but I don't remember which is which. It explains why in his thread, so take two pieces of fodder with you.
    Just letting you know I have time to complete our pending trade. It was your shiny, Naive Bagon w/ DD and H-Pump, for my copy of RockinX's Chancey.

    When we trade, I will need you to add both of my f.c's. Chancey is on my Platinum, which I will send you first. Just send me a piece of fodder for it. I don't have room for new Pokes on that cart.

    Then I will come back on with my Soul Silver to pick up the Bagon.
    That's unfortunate, I'd rather have a pokemon with a capture date that is between the release date of D/P to today (for non-redis pokemon).If it is semi-redis or fully redis I would consider it.
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