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  • Heh. After a few months you finally tell me. =P

    Are you coming back or just visiting?
    Hey, I just started EV training a Specs Lucario (4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe) and found your In-Game article. I wanted to say thanks for that! Anyways, one thing I was wondering about: you mention Magikarp as a wild pokemon Speed EV'er for Diamond and Pearl, but not for Platinum. Was that an oversight, or is something else going on here? I don't want to mess my first EV-training up!
    geez, i haven't heard from you in ages... but i guess i see why partly i haven't. :'( so long.
    Erodent is leaving?
    Huh, hope to see you back soon! Enjoy christmas and happy new year Erodent!
    bye erodent :'(

    Good Luck in the future and hopefully we can see you again!
    Senior year is worthless, trust me, come back to somewhere that actually matters in life! :)
    See ya later Erodent ... please come back :) you're an awesome breath of fresh air in C&C
    Oh yeah...feel free to continue work on my analyses or start anew. Of specific importance is Gyarados, who I believe needs an update ASAP. Thanks...okay, bye!
    A ladybugger is leaving, this is sad news.

    Good bye, and good luck. Have a merry christmas to!
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