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  • Apparently we're having some communication problem. Let's try get out and in to the WiFi Room and try to trade again, OK?
    Hmm, I need a breedable Pokémon with IV 31 in Speed (the in-game trades from B/W give more IV 31 Pokémon, but none in Speed). So, I accept the Naive Archen. What's your FC? Mine is 1120 0094 6679.
    Good battle on your part as well. yeah i noticed we had quite a few of the same pokes. lol I've been experimenting with that team on shoddy and i like it alright, but it's too bog standard to my tastes. I think i might start using one that incorporates some of my favorites too.
    Awesome battle man I like how half our team is the same I think we might have had four pokemon the same lol I just need to get more experienced and get a bulky pokemon
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