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  • Not for just one tutored move. Once you've got a few more you need tutored, we can figure something out.
    I'll be on for the next hour or so, VM me when you get on and I can get to tutoring for you.
    Hello firestorm!
    If you want I can help you a little with the tutoring on salamence and celebi, contact me!
    That's fine. I can still trade Latias for Fenix54's Zorua.

    Let me know when you are free to trade.
    I'm back around.

    *side note*

    The events at the bottom of my thread are off limits until I can confirm they are legit. They are the only things on my thread that were not bred/captured by me.

    Also, I bred a 31/*/31/*/31/* Bold Murkrow with Trickster (DW) and egg moves Featherdance, Roost, and Perish Song yesterday that I never updated to my thread yet.
    Got it.

    Can you either CMT for 2 more Pokes, and do a BP or CP for all three, or, Fenix54's Timid HP Ice Zorua for Latias only?
    I have a copy of a full-redis one. Not on my thread since I only offer my own Pokes there.

    Will you want any Gen 4 moves on it?
    Hey, I have a shiny hp fire latios, altho would it be ok to ask you for a hgss nonshiny capture project if its cool with you?
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