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  • hi we're paired up for Round 3 of the RU STABmons thing! When would you like to play? I'm available Saturday after 1:00 on my time and all day on Sunday. When would you like to play?

    timezone is gmt-5
    hey we're paired for uber open, come on irc #genvuu to discuss it :)
    elsewhere i'll be on today 7-10 pm gmt +2!
    Hey looking forward to some good games. I'm still figuring out internet at my new apartment, so next weekend should work. Ill get on irc as well when my internet is up
    alright, we'll program that for after the 27th if u don't mind/can't play today cuz i have some finals unti then :)
    Hey, so I know we planned on Wednesday, but I can only battle between 1 and 4 pm (GMT -5) because of work, so either Tuesday or Thursday or whenever would work too. Let me know.
    I'm gmt+2 and yeah so far I have 1 team and need 2 more so next week comes perfect. Im on or at afternoons at 5 (10pm for you) or at night at 10 (3pm). Cya
    I'm gmt+2 and yeah so far I have 1 team and need 2 more so next week comes perfect. Im on or at afternoons at 5 (10pm for you) or at night at 10 (3pm). Cya
    Of course we got each other for round two of the open, even though we practiced together :p, I am GMT -5 and will see you on #rarelyused
    Hey please address Level 51's post on Fraxure please so we can get it some GP checks
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