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  • Are you implying that being the only kids over 9 years old is a problem?

    I haven't really seen any of the new movies match up to my favorite one, the movie 2000. But I watch them all anyways as soon as they show (lol cartoon network).
    Yeah, I've just been kind of looking around offline and messing on PO. I'll probably be a good deal more active when B/W is actually released though :P

    So, who's parent are we going to make drive an hour so we can watch a pokemon movie, engage in a pokemon stamp hunt and win pokemon stickers and other assorted pokemon prizes?
    Haha Me too! I'm currently trying to breed in that game and I think i'll have some things to get used to since you can lock on natures and abilities anymore =[. lol
    I guess I'll have to get super lucky with breeding and stuff.
    Heya Froggrunner! How are you? =]
    Hope your New Years and Holidays went well with family and friends xD.
    I just wanted to shoot a VM to you letting you know that I'm now getting into NU and am in the process of making a team with pokemon from that tier and wanted to know if you would like to be my first opponent when the team is finished? =]
    Sorry I missed you, if you want to get back on we could battle right now!
    woops that didn't work out. Let's just try it again friday at 8, if that's cool.
    Sorry I missed you there! I'll shoot for the same time tomorrow (if homework isn't insane).
    Hey we're opponents for the B + W tournament, I'm on at random times but after around 8 PM central time every day I should be good, as well as randomly on weekends. I'll see if I can just catch you online before I schedule a time.
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