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  • Hey FunLovin whenever you see this message, we need to have 1 last more session since this round is over and I'd like to finish up with you.
    Okay, it's alright man. Whenever you feel better just message me for a lesson. Hope you feel better.
    Hey Lovin, I see you're back. Please whenever you're online message me I would like to do a lesson ASAP.
    Hey Lovin, I see you're back. Please whenever you're online message me I would like to do a lesson ASAP.
    That's fine, but I really want to get through a lot with you, so comeback in the weekend for a big session.
    yeah available right now, would you like to meet up at the PO server?
    Hey since you wanted a session today, im free all day, just when you're online message me please :).
    Hey, I'd like to have a session with you today. So whenever you see me me online message me.
    Whenever you're online again message me so we can have another session :).
    Sorry, I'm busy the entire Friday, if you want Saturday or Sunday I'm free :).
    Alright we can go on the Pokemon online server since the Smogon one is down. My user name is FunLovin just like here
    It's fine I see you're new on smogon, you posted on your on wall! maybe you didn't use that! for short IRC it's a program used to talk with a bunch of users on a channel it's similar to instant messaging.

    So to make it easier, do you have Pokemon Online?
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