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  • Gargantor, do you have any interest in your Pelipper Update at all? If you do, you are free to bump it and ask for some QC opinions. If not, I'll put Pelipper back on the market.
    I'm already sorry about this but please don't type 2OHKO. It does not make any sense. OHKO stands for one hit KO (which I'm sure you know). 2one means nothing (you should know that :)). The correct way is 2HKO btw. I'm sorry for being an ass :D
    That's what I was thinking too, an SD set basically. A "defensive" set that can beat Psycho Boost Deoxys-A / Fighting Arceus / Hariyama too but they're both going to suck. I'll get it written up in a few days but if you really want it and I'm not done by Saturday just take it :P
    Yes, I just can't figure out how to make the set not suck :P I'll get it up though.
    You've gotten some grammar checks on your Dragonair analysis (one from me ^_^), so I suggest you go check them out!
    Thanks. If I end up writing this whole analysis I may have a moderator change things so that I can edit the OP directly with any changes as I see fit. Would this bother you?
    Thanks again.

    I can't use Rotom-H or WishBliss, as Its a wifi tournament. Do you know what else I could use in their places?
    Hey, thanks for the help. I've opten for a core of Lead Forretress, Swampert and Cleric Blissey (this is a wifi team). I've noticed that the core had a bit of trouble from NP infernape and CB/SD Scizor. Any suggestions what I could use to send them off? I would use Rotom, but unfortunately I can't over wifi.
    Mind me asking where you got those pics anyways? I've seen them around but I haven't been able to find out where they come from.
    Maybe it's just me, but it's popping up as a "Photobucket account has been inactive for 90 days" error icon.

    Hey mate, just wondering what ev spread you were using for the specially defensive gyarados?

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