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  • giggity69, we're matched for Uber mini-tour. The deadline is today (yikes), so I'll be on Showdown as either Pocket, Dark Pocket, Michael Phelps, or Super Rod, so search for those accounts :0 Chall me when you're ready - don't bother PMing me, cuz PS! doesn't notify them.
    Do you want me to make a C/P able version of the GP check in the Forretress analysis or should I pass it through GP in a new thread?
    well cool. i'm here tuesday through thursday in the library after noon through like 5, just forum pm me any time you're available.
    ah. Yeah I'm back in grad school so i usually hang out in the library in the evenings before my class. lol, are you by any chance the guy with an alienware who plays rom hacks of frlg?
    Hi were you planning on finishing Deo-A? I can write up the LO set and push it through GP or some combo of that if you don't have time. Thanks
    Are you still working on Deoxys-A? Or can me or someone else takeover and push it through GP.
    Hi! By the way, can you please give me a seed for a Naughty HP Fire Mixed Attacker Giratina-O with the highest possible IVs? Thanks! :)
    In Gen.5, defog puts away you AND you're opponents Entry Hazards, meaning it will be much easier to Spin now. Ho_oh with Regenaration only takes about 17% each switch in.

    I could See Garchomp, Swimming Goggles Manaphy and Kyogre, and Generally anything with a lot of Speed is gonna be much more effective.

    Gen.5 Ubers doesn't look that different. We're gonna have, like, 3 or 4 Ubers, 3 of which are Dragon- typed, and they are all under 100 Speed..
    Haha, four of us hardly made it through Todd! No online co-op though so I have to wait for a time 'til everyone is free again to play.
    Hey man. I just finished a bunch of exams, so now I only have the final exams in a month and a half, then I'm FINISHED! Anyway, I've been testing Sleep-Talk Lugia with Roar and Whirlwind on a Hazards team. Maybe I could test it with you some time.

    I'm also working on an RMT for the Rain Team (featuring Gyarados) which got me to number 1. I'm almost done with it.

    How you been?
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