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  • Hey, when can you play for adv seasonal? I'm GMT+2
    Yo I'm sorry I missed this. Same tz. Can we do evening Sunday? I'll follow up on Discord. Haven't been so online lately
    I was at Erþeldoun

    Wiþ Tomas spak Y þare;

    Þer herd Y rede in roune

    Who Tristrem gat and bare,

    Who was king wiþ croun,

    & who him forsterd Šare,

    & who was bold baroun,

    As þair elders ware.

    Bi yere

    Tomas tells in toun

    Þis aventours as þai ware.
    Hey man just saw your message on the ORAS forums, if you're interested in learning more how about the meta shifted, I'd be glad to talk to ya on Discord: Anvil Head#5068
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