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  • Hey, I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor... Respond back as soon as possible :D
    I wouldn't know with the problems you're having >.>
    Maybe try asking in the Simple Request Thread?
    Aww man! That was one epic battle we had XD You never get the chance to post our battles up LOL
    Good game, that was really closer than I thought it would be, what hidden power did your lead have?
    For me, intense battles take a lot out of me. (Sounding like an old man) Maybe sometime this week.
    gg man! i completely forgot about Natural Cure. should have slept something else. i also forgot Tropius learned EQ, i thought you'd have SD/AA/Leaf Blade/Roost or something. i also shouldn't have sacrificed Veno so soon. he's real effective late game as a revenge killer, and if the opponent is weakened enough, a sweeper/cleaner-upper.

    i'll definitely hit you up if i see you online. i don't have Skype, and i don't use messengers much, but if you wanted to give me your cell number we could text for battles. i promise i'm not a creepy stalker on the internet. :toast:
    NOOOOOOOOOOO. that was a seriously great battle. i saw it lagging a couple times and was afraid this was going to happen. :( well i think i'm all battled out for tonight. it was good playing you. i've been away from Smogon for a while, but i intend to jump back in full force for BW next month. until then i show up every couple weeks to get my battle fix. ;) i enjoyed battling you and apologize again for my cobwebs, but i hope to battle you again soon. we're going to get that youtube battle for you!

    oh, and nice HP Grass. so glad i decided to scout with Hippo instead of going straight to Quagsire. that would have been devastating.
    gah, man, gg. i'm off my game tonight. misplays all over the place. =/ though this team is highly volatile and Venasaur is anathema to it. ;)

    ok, let's see if i can actually give you a good game this next time. meet you on for NU.
    and that battle wasn't very good/exciting, i don't care if you upload a loss of mine, but i played really bad so i'd rather you waited to upload a good battle instead. ;)
    haha, damn dude. never faced your lead before and it really threw me off.then i misclicked on Quaggy, meant to Counter not HP. nice going keeping me completely off balance the whole fight.

    got any other UU or NU teams? i have several others if you want to switch up and go again.
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