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  • yo whats your irc nick, i've been on these couple days and not seen you around or recieved any pms, i'll be on this evening i think
    Hello seems we are rounnd 1 opponents for the no johns tourney. We have until monday till battle so tell me when you want to battle.
    Hey dude, I'm up against you in The Gauntlet tourney.
    I'm at GMT +8, but I can get online at almost any time.
    If you can, try to get onto IRC, so we can keep in contact easier.
    Thanks dude!
    hey we need to play for the No Preview Tournament. When can you play? I'm GTM -6. I can from 6pm to midnight in weekdays and anytime at weekends
    hey, I'm your opponent for the ru tournament, when do you want to have our battle? I live in CST and can battle anytime today or anytime after 6 pm CST during the week. let me know.
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