I hate ninjask
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  • I'm also matched for Gods Among Us. I'm GMT -8 so let me know what time is best. I can't play on Saturday and can only play after 5 on Sunday.
    o hey man what's ur PS username? we're playing for the Randpoke CounterTeam tour. I'll be free on Thursday and Saturday, GMT+8.
    I hate ninjask
    I hate ninjask
    ok i'm gmt -5. thedepressionzone on sd. I can play 8 am your time i think on saturday
    Sounds good
    you here dude
    Yo, we're paired for bw cup, I'm gmt+2, when do you want to play? I'm moving towns tomorrow, so I'd prefer to play next weekend because I have no idea if I can spare the time before then.
    Mono ssnls, gmt +5:30 and free everyday after 6 pm
    I hate ninjask
    I hate ninjask
    are you on discord, it would really help if we contacted on there. BobPlaysPS #2048 on there
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