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  • Good good, and I have both games. :p
    I have tried to RNG on an emulator but... I can't find my timer0... I can only RNG on emerald and platinum on an emulator (only breeding, which is useless...)
    But well I got my seismic tosser chansey. xP
    31/x/31/x/31/30 < Ivs x3
    Well I caught my Reshiram near flawless but It is on a white pokeball. (forgot the name of it sorry) Lol
    First of all, my Bday will be on 5 months, 2nd I RNGed a zekrom. (caught in a master ball though) :p
    Well there is, but that would be too expensive (or that would attract bad people since there are lots of them now in Mexico), and well if I get a new cell phone, I have to do it in Mexico since most of them lose signal when you go to another country. Lol
    Well sometimes, only manga.
    Oh yeah the law was passed, I guess I will leave this country...
    Well I'll tell you goodbye later when I leave, I'll also say goodbye to some people on the GTS.
    And people aren't racist to them?! D:
    Well there's this congress man in the US who wants to pass a law which will make every hire-es to show that their workers are legal in here.
    I hope it doesn't passes cuz if it does I will leave this country and I will say bye bye to smogon and GTS because I will come back to my country with 0 internet! Lol
    |o| So I guess your country immigration doesn't exists, and everyone has almost the same genetic features... interesting... |o|
    Too bad, and you don't know what racist means? |o| nah u were joking, of course u know.
    Whats a racist?! Lol So funny, like you don't know. :p
    Anyway you better study hard and pass the test. Forget about everything and only focus on that ok? |o|
    You don't like black Wiis because you are racist! |o|
    So you are only into white just like my bro even though he ain't white either! Lol
    DS cartridges? Well I got many, pkm I got only 3, I don't feel like I need to buy more.
    Well I will get it. I'm always being left behind with games but whatever, I get them cheaper than anyone else! :p
    Well I'm working more, so that means more mon-ey and I will buy myself a Wii instead. :p
    Hey its 149 + the Mario Kart game, I won't lost this offer! While the 3DS is 250 dollars. I heard they are giving this offer in the wii because the are going to make a Wii2, so Nintendo might be trying to get rid of this Wii.
    Anyway shiny legends? That's so easy, the only hard thing is to get a good seed with good ivs and shinny at the same time...
    would you happen to know how to put pics up for a pokemon shop. I cant seem to get it :s
    I can RNG everything now muahahaha! >=D
    But I have many headaches for having the comp. on >.<
    Hey do u have any idea why I can't make .pkm files with my stupid server? D:
    Well in Hg/SS is very easy to RNG too. :p
    Yeah I had the idea of making a pkm file to check my SID but I'm too lazy. |o|
    Meh... school is about to end so I may RNG regigigas and roamer zapdos today.
    GTS GTS mthode? can you teach me? Also how come you don't know how to RNG in Hg/SS if its just about hitting delays just like in B/W?
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