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Hello, we play for the Smogon LCQ. I am GMT-7. I can play all day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Only available at mornings on Thursday, only available on afternoons Tuesday and Wednesday. What time works for you?
Hi! We play for the VGC last chance qualifier tournament, I can play around 16:20 to 18:00 GMT -4 on the weekdays and on the weekends I can play from 13:00-18:00 I have a couple of camps In july but the deadline is earlier so I should be good
Hey, looks like we are opponents in week 1 of the vgc smogon classics, i'm gmt+2 and i'm available mostly on the weekend actually, however let me know when you are available aswell
Hey! Looks like we're opponents this week. Could I get your timezone and availability please? I am GMT+11 and am available pretty much the whole time during regular waking hours. I am not so available on New Years Eve/New Years Day but can fit something in there if I need to. Cheers, Mitch.
Hi, we are paired for the VGC Winter Seasonal R4 losers bracket. When are you available? I am GMT +5:30 and am free from 3 pm to 6 pm on weekdays. Usually the same during weekends.