Jebus McAzn
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  • when do you graduate? (or did you already) curious
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    i graduated december last year
    nice :)

    i ask this cuz Im going to rutgers for my grad degree next fall
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    good luck! i'm doing grad stuff eventually but probably not at rutgers and definitely not next fall
    have u been readin wandering son or did you decide to stick with the anime / no progress made? honestly just excited to see anyone at all picking it up haha
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    i'm gonna finish the anime first and then read the manga, but i'm not very far in (2 episodes atm) because i'm juggling 6 airing series, watching the devil is a part-timer with a friend, and devoting 1-2 hours to the shirobako rewatch every day
    good on ya. hmu when u start reading the manga if u wanna talk!
    Shokugeki: Ni no Sara is good now.

    That last shokugeki was so much more impactful with the whole buildup in the back than the standard cook-offs in the rest of the finals which lack any kind of build-up at all.
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    It's honestly just the balance of backstory vs cooking/eating that was off early on in the season. I thought episode 5 did wonders for the pacing of the second season since it was more or less all brainstorming and setup for the actual Shokugeki in episode 6 (so it feels like there's something on the line). So far I'm only bummed out that the Souma/Alice fight was so poorly done, but everything else has been spot-on and the series only gets better from here on out
    100% agreed. Defo ne of my favorite things this season

    First fight was kinda disappointing. Hopefully the balance will be there for the rest of the series despite 13 eps
    is dagashi kashi's ending worth watching the series? I heard the comedy was alright and I was wondering how the plot itself holds up
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    there's virtually no plot to speak of and no real closure on any fronts, it's a pleasant show to watch if you want to relax and has some really nice moments but overall wasn't anything spectacular, imo
    You go to rutgers? noice
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    yeah, pretty sure pookar goes here too

    i'm not super close with james (swedish) but i'm good friends with his roommate
    oh word. yeah i've met pookar once before. If you ever wanna come up to nebs.... ;)
    bro episode 4 was intense as fuck, im on the madoka train now this shit is getting better and better fast

    i bet the guy who got his fingies back is gonna betray blue girl and somethings gonna happen to her
    i am still wondering what madoka is going to wish for though
    also will they give a reason for why only girls can sign contracts or is it just a genre staple so w/e?
    sorry for the barrage of questions lol i'm just pretty pumped by this show, the sound design rlly is the best
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    they do explain why it's only girls that sign contracts, and the entire reason is sort of meant to be ridiculous, falling in line with madoka being a deconstruction of the entire magical girl genre

    glad you're enjoying it - the ride only gets more and more intense from here on out
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    and i've said that about a lot of shows but i REALLY MEAN IT when it comes to madoka. the show gets serious starting with episode 4 and each subsequent episode just descends further into a downward spiral of action, suffering, and existentialism
    It's just registered in my head that ur ava is freaking perfect lol
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    shirobako makes me happy, ema makes me happy
    thanks ' - ')b
    oml i managed to get her to dance to the beat of Re:Re
    I don't know if you already know (or care), but Shirobako got a second special.
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    i've heard that the specials are out but i've yet to watch them because i'm trash
    Thank you for introducing me to No Game No Life. I'm really enjoying it so far and it is definitely en route for topping my list of best anime :)

    gr8 avy btw
    Idk if anything can possibly blow that out of the water. Having watched all eleven episodes, I am strapped to find a flaw with it so far. It just sucks that season two isn't out yet :(

    Anyway I'm slowly working through the recommendations you gave me in an attempt to while away the time waiting for the upcoming season two of attack on titan and ngnl and season three of SAO. I honestly can't thank you enough XD
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    Most of the complaints about NGNL are about fanservice, lackluster character development, and other things that you really only start noticing once you watch a lot more shows - but what other people think shouldn't sour your opinion of a show. I loved NGNL when I first watched it even though I recognize it's not perfect in retrospect (this applies to like 99% of the things I've watched).

    Code Geass is probably the closest to NGNL in terms of characters. Death Note is also quite good albeit not as action-y. Other more traditional shounens that are quite popular are Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood like I mentioned, and also HunterxHunter.
    Tbh I noticed a lot of the stuff that you said. I guess it just never really bothered me when watching tbh. I think that it is what makes my opinion of it so different from what I've seen of Gurren Lagann, which put me off within the first four episodes.

    I'll probably watch Code Geass next if its similar to ngnl.
    Ayy never thought I'd see a recognizable name from r/lol here on smogon! Are you NA by chance?

    Also your posts are some of the few non shitty things left in the sub, if it wasn't for the news about pros and game summaries, I'd likely not come back.
    Jebus McAzn
    Jebus McAzn
    yeah, i'm NA! sadly I don't post that much anymore - dom has taken over OGN threads for the most part cause school's starting back up in full force for me, but I post here and there when I can

    it's a crazy offseason so far, though
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