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  • Yea I know what you mean. Though, it hasn't been easy for me to do well with UU and lower pokes in OU anymore, except for Amoonguss, Nidoqueen, and Roserade and a few other splashable defensive pivots I guess. Last gen, my best team was based around a Cradily sweep, but sadly those types of teams aren't viable anymore.

    We should chat sometime! Do you go on Showdown?
    I did well in the suspect test with a rain semi-stall team, but my team is nothing like yours. Now, I mainly play UU -- hail stall, specifically. I always try to do well with underdog playstyles, and if I'm playing with a mainstream sort of team, I always add my own creative twist. That's why I like your team and find it very memorable -- it's both creative and effective.
    Actually, your post caught my eye. When I get my english white I'll totally try it out, since my japanese aint that good. I can only read basic stuff in my black! D:
    >_> And I'd really like to use those power ups, especially for fast egg hatch and cheaper stuff.
    Hello.. looks like your trade thread hasn't been used for a really long time so I thought I should give you a heads up I posted if youre still into trading.
    Great log you posted there. Gave me an urge to try using lanturn on a team.
    Yeah, it's definitely sad. I miss having it be the only fully-evolved water/electric type!! Let's hope Rotom-W goes OU so that Lanturn will at least be effective in UU :)
    Wow, that Lanturn sweep was amazing!!! It makes me happy to see my favorite Pokemon used so masterfully ^_^
    You're welcome and enjoy :) Be sure to thank Christian for making them fully redis.
    I can trade after JRT. Please give me about 10 min as I have to level a pokemon up :)
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