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  • Hello there Kababra Spoon.

    Just to let you know that the SSIS is starting back up. I know I've been gone for a while but I'm planning to reform the group so that it is more attractive than when I left it, but I will need you rhelp with this. Please try to help spread the word and check in once in a while.

    -Cmdr. A. Moniz (SSIS)
    Hello Kadabra spoon, Team Rocket Corporation is conducting an Activity Sweep which it will get rid of inactive members.TRC has a large community and many threads and projects you can be involved in. If you wish to continue being a member of Team Rocket Corporation please post at the Trc continuity thread.
    He's been with Aero for a while. He wanted to run the Aero League, and I owned too many groups at the time, seeing as I had to take control of the SSIS science and engineering department. I told him to give control of the Eon League back to you if you should return. Not sure if he's on much, though...
    I have to say that Ariel rock got kicked out of TCD for her in activity, if you remain inactive like her you might be kicked.
    Don't leave!
    Hello, I would just like to say that your activity in TCD is a little low, please go to TCD and be more active,
    Aloha SS.
    I will be unable to battle today. How about Monday at 12:00 P.M. GMT -5? I have yet to test it and have to rebuild it because I forgot to save it.
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