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  • hey we are opponents for dodrio cup... i'm -6 gmt. when can you play?
    Hey sorry for just getting to this, I'm GMT -8, can play 9 am - 2 PM tomorrow or any time Sunday
    Message me on discord at kingofmars#7099 if you can I'll be more responsive there!
    hey, we're paired for spl. I'm gmt+1, pretty much any day works for me tho i prefer playing later this week
    alright, since you're available in my late nights to early mornings it's only possible for me to play friday night or weekend. Either work for me so lets say friday 4 pm your time?
    That'd work for me, but as an alternative I can play at 2pm my time on Sunday if that's easier
    that'd be even better. Sunday is it then!
    hy we're playing. Just leaving this for rules purposes. I'm available almost any day after 3 pm PST, prefer to play ASAP. We can talk on skype for when you're free.
    <Arcticblast> hey kingofmars wanna play Saturday?
    <kingofmars> sure
    <Arcticblast> ok I'll post this on your VM wall and we'll figure out a time as the week goes on
    <kingofmars> like after 4 (Pacific) I should be good to play

    That's like 7 PM my time which is a little late but there shouldn't be any problems
    Hey I'm having major connection issues that are beyond my control (fuck Pitt wifi); if I can't get on in time for our match today, does the same time tomorrow work?
    Rofl i just explained to my dad that im playing vgc and i need my 3ds before we go to PR
    I don't like bugging people but could you join my big game? I need a few more good players to round out the playerlist.
    when do you wanna play for the Doubles Tourney? I'm GMT-3 and usually free during my afternoon/night and you can find me easily on #baril and #pokemon
    I'm GMT -7, I'm fairly active on irc, so if you're on just hop into the #doubles chat and we should see each other there
    Scheduled SPL match over IRC, posting log in comments
    <kingofmars> arcticblast
    <kingofmars> when do you want to do this
    <kingofmars> I cant do thursday/friday
    * jas61292 (look@my.vhost) has joined
    <Arcticblast> you said you were busy Saturday before
    <Arcticblast> so Sunday works
    <kingofmars> yeah sunday sounds good to me
    <kingofmars> can you post that on my wall?
    <Arcticblast> sure
    <kingofmars> lets go with like 6ish pdt or something
    <Arcticblast> What timezone are you in?
    <kingofmars> pdt
    <kingofmars> California
    <Arcticblast> so that's like 9 pm for me
    <Arcticblast> bit late but should work
    Yo, can we play earlier in the week since I'm moving on Friday and in Canada Saturday/Sunday? Tomorrow/Tuesday/Thursday work the best. I can probably do weekend but would rather not have to worry about it.
    Hi, kom, this is a typical SPL vm. I'm your rival this week, my time is GMT+1 and I can play from Wednesday to Friday past 20.00 and the weekend basically whole day. If there's a problem with this schedule I can wake up and play at 7.00 on thursday / friday / sunday. Whatever suits you best!
    How bout we shoot for Thursday? I can play from 4-11 PM PST so just tell me which of those times suits you best
    Thursday seems cool, so that's from 1 am to 8 am my time, 10 PM PST your thursday seems fine, that'd be my Friday at 7 AM.
    Sounds good to me, see you then
    alright this is just a post to confirm that we have scheduled a time.

    super complicated, but at 11PM PST / 8AM GMT+1 is what we agreed on right?
    Semis pit us together. Damn that Laga.

    Play times? I'm GMT -7
    just try to find me on irc, preferably before january 4th
    Easily done. Probably tomorrow then?
    Hi we have each other for doubles minitour, I am GMT -6, when are you available/what is your timezone?
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