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  • Man, you know you still have to ref my battle with Lord Jesseus? It has been 6 days since me and Lord posted, could you ref us please?
    dude you still need to update all you matches

    You are in danger of getting DQ in the multi battle
    Danger of DQ from the iiMKUltra 3vs3 Singles battle

    as well as your ref battles
    You got about 18 hours as of this vm until you get dqd against Objection. Even though you're frozen, you still have moves to make.
    I can observe IRC with this connection, but I can't speak. We'll have to do this relay style; sorry for the inconvenience.
    I could co host and help out with the mafia if you want. I haven't hosted before but I have played quite a bit and I hosted one on another site (which ended up dead because of inactivity. One whole mafia team didn't show up and I didn't have any substitutes leftover)
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