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  • what a badass profile picture,,,! where is it from, if you don't mind?
    it's lorelei, i'm not sure where it's from though--possibly the pokemon adventures manga?
    Aqua Jet
    Aqua Jet
    It’s from those yea, I don’t remember where exactly but it’s from one of the earlier ones (as she’s still a kid in that image, p sure) so it’d be from the Red, Green & Blue arc.
    I’m not 100% confident in my manga knowledge so if you intend to buy one I’d check w someone else from the Orange Islands sub forum
    sorry for not replying to your response in the news thread earlier, ended up just being too exhausted and lost track of time.

    but yeah re: ur points on media literacy and western propaganda i think shrug's post said it better than i could ever had. i do agree about the ways in which people inevitably internalize and become oblivious to the ways in which the former affect our thinking and logic
    The process of interrogating and unlearning that should not (imo) have to come at the cost of staying silent and allowing deliberate and targeted misinformation to derail the discourse (in a way that benefits not just china but also america as you pointed out, since the existence of tankies and their ilk as fringe minorities fits neatly into the west's own agenda regarding the perception of eastern asia's politics).
    hopefully thats a satisfying response! I wholeheartedly support your questioning of "media literacy" in the international contxt and appreciated teh measured response :)
    Fighting misinfo is always good but I just try to be hypervigilant when it comes to anything that favors US interests, whereas imo a lot of people who will spread this article will do so with the exact opposite idea in mind. Idk if that makes sense

    And don't ever feel bad about not replying or whatever, everyone is going through a lot of shit right now and posting stuff online is not exactly a top priority lol
    I didn’t know you could follow yourself last time.
    I don't know how it happened! It must have happened years ago.
    Are you one of the earliest users?
    (Also I’m rather surprised at your message to reaction score ratio.)
    yes, I'm pretty old now!

    I'm not very active here anymore. Back when I was active, reactions didn't exist. My posts were not all that popular anyway though :P
    sorry, assumed you were responding to all the posts bringing up poker. your response makes more sense now.
    yeah my bad I probably should have just quoted the actual post haha
    when will you be free for the nu battle? I'm GMT+2
    i'm gmt+9 but i'll be idle for the majority of today. might be able to play about 8-10 hours from now? tomorrow and the next day i will most likely be around though.
    Sorry but I don't think I can make it before 12;00 my time, hope you don't mind. s:
    ok that should be fine, i have some stuff to take care of before then anyway
    thanks :x

    and yeah i think competitiveness is important, it's just that having a competitive game is super easy. checkers is competitive, that game is ass. having a fun game is what's hard. i think gen 4 OU with garchomp was super 'competitive,' it just wasn't all that fun for most people.
    Disaster Area

    if anything I think this is the reason shadow tag should have been banned in ubers.. but I guess it depends what you find fun. I don't find the tier super fun with or without that tbh but I'm just not that hugely into playing with the biggest and baddest mons..
    Disaster Area
    it was pretty amazing your perspective on competitiveness and skill was pretty interesting for sure :) changed my opinions on this all
    hey :] when do you wanna play for rby? i'm GMT+1
    gmt+9, i'm down for nowish or anytime in the next few hours if you want?
    i'm fine now... meet on smogtours?
    ok my sn is KristophV
    how do you follow yourself?
    i guess it was automatic or something? i have no idea haha
    damn, i wanted the ego boost lol
    Disaster Area
    lots of older players are that way for whatever reason

    I guess it's a bit of a relic
    hi were paired for the rby tour, im gmt+1 when wanna play
    you down for right now? or tomorrow from 11am - 2pm your time could work, i'm gmt+9
    can play right now , just let me ~10 minutes to build a decent team, or tomorrow is fine too but more about 2pm because i have class until midday
    alright my showdown name is KristophV
    You should be fine now in regards to lag; tell me if you are still experiencing any.
    seems fine, much appreciated man
    Hoooly shit, I didn't realize we knew each other from here before Skullgirls was A Thing.
    haha yeahhhh, "competitive video games" is a small world yo
    This is the channelled result of lost patience, haha. I may or may not have screamed at an administrator who told me it's not rude to deliberately misgender people just because 'the majority of people asking to be referred to as female are trolling'...
    Haha, thank you for your post wrt the gender field. It is kind of absurd, the resistance we've had to deal with over the years. I think it shows evident demand. I'll point that out.
    You're Blame Game?
    THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH lol I knew your a forum posts reminded me of someone :)
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