Lord Booty Milk
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  • Hello! We play for RBY Cup IV round two. My timezone is GMT+3. My best days to play are Thursday, Friday and the weekend. What do you suggest?
    Hey when can you play for bw cup r2? I'm gmt +4 and can play most days after 6 pm
    Lord Booty Milk
    Lord Booty Milk
    I’m edt, how about tomorrow at 2pm my time, I think that’s 8pm your time
    j jaeger
    sounds good, I'll be on smogtours then
    can we play saturday at 3 pm of my time for the all gens tournament? I'm gtm+2
    Lord Booty Milk
    Lord Booty Milk
    cant do saturday then, I can only do after 4pm my time, but sunday should be fine then
    I can play at 4 pm if you want (of saturday)
    hey mate we play for speed matters, im gmt +2 when would be good for you?
    Lord Booty Milk
    Lord Booty Milk
    Gmt-4, can do most of the day today, 3:30-5:30pm or past 9pm my time
    i think like 5 pm ur time tomorrow should probably work if thats fine by u
    Lord Booty Milk
    Lord Booty Milk
    Sounds bueno, ill be in tours room under xskelly34
    LOL we paired for the remember when this is in tier tour. I see you a lot but when good for you? I'm -4
    If you mean those times in EST, tomorrow after 3:30 and Sunday afternoon (perhaps at like 2) are best
    Lord Booty Milk
    Lord Booty Milk
    actually sorry, i dont have time for this, take the win bud
    Sounds good, hope life clears up :/
    when do you want to play for tournament of thieves? i'm free every afternoon, gmt -5. give me a time window if you can
    Lord Booty Milk
    Lord Booty Milk
    GMT-4, i can do all day, preferably around 1-4 pm my time
    i can do it rn or at like 3 pm your time tmr or whatever day. im pretty lenient with the exception of mornings
    Lord Booty Milk
    Lord Booty Milk
    now is fine
    ill be xskelly34
    Hi, we play for RU seasonal. I'm PDT (GMT -7) and would prefer to play before Saturday night if possible (earlier Saturday works though) since scheduling will be tricky for me after that. Tomorrow from around 3 to about 7 or 8 is busy for me though any other time is fine.
    Lord Booty Milk
    Lord Booty Milk
    Would noon your time tomorrow work. I'll be on xSkelly34
    Sure, sounds good to me. I'll look for you then.
    Hey, we play for PU Open. I'm EST and free randomly throughout the days I don't work. I can play pretty much anytime within the next 4 or so hours. If that doesn't work, let me know what days and times work for you. I'm Manipulative on Showdown btw.
    We're paired for BLT, when you're able to play? I'm GMT+2 and should be able to play every day from 6pm-8pm my time, except Tuesday and Friday.
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