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  • when?
    oh wow lol, that was terrible with you getting like 2 cruical double protects i swear, me critting myself, and the first 3 turns of you making the worst switches i have ever seen in my life lol
    oh well gg i guess
    Hello LpFan, Team Rocket Corporation is conducting an Activity Sweep which it will get rid of inactive members.TRC has a large community and many threads and projects you can be involved in. If you wish to continue being a member of Team Rocket Corporation please post at the Trc continuity thread.
    I'm just interested, what is your team? You can send me a pm of your team. Lol, I had to ask again because you didn't answer my question.
    Thank you :) I'm currently doing a trade with DarksoulSP, but I'll finish that up in a minute or two.
    Nice!! I've haven't been testing my team on PO (and have been haxed so badly like I told you before, I officially hate it), I have been doing battles on GBU, the team was perfect! The only two losses were from hax. So I'm like 20+ wins (including those d/c wins)-2. Anyways, I can always contact you on nuggetbridge and PO and FC :D
    lol, you sent me a message already? k, looks like I'm having trouble of trying to get the link...... maybe I can give you it later today (it's down for a bit, I'm sure it'll be back up later today or tomorrow).
    lol, yeah. Anyway, I'm still waking up, lol. So, anything new lately (other being busy on whatever you are doing)?
    Hey, I just realize my team is volcarona weak if rotom-h is do you have any ideas for that?

    Edit: Do you think moxie would be better than intimidate on Krookodile?
    hello! thank you for the offer but that same night i was able to get a sableye from somebody else. i appreciate the gesture though!! :)
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