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  • Lol, you posted your awnser to me in your own public profile (yes I hate that too). Next time click 'View conversation' :P
    Btw, don't apologise, I know how busy school gets. I'm a first year at university right now, have had my tough weeks too ;) I only know of Gen 5 RNGing. I only learned about EVs etc. in 4th Gen. I'm quite late to everything :P
    Don't worry, I'll make my small knowlegde spread like the T-virus in Resident evi... ahem.. RNGing!
    My sincere apologies for the incredibly delayed response, TammiGo. These days I barely have enough time to RNG let alone visit smogon on a regular basis. To answer your questions: Yes, it was my minor in college. 5th Gen RNGing was without a doubt, less tedious to learn compared to 4th Gen RNGing (delays are evil, I tell ya). Well, gotta go. Reality just reared its ugly head. Keep helping other users and spreading the knowledge around. See ya.
    Yo, like what you're doing. Same reason I held a giveaway once, to give something back ^^ However now that I've learned to RNG I should do a good one some other day (maybe with Chandelure, Volcarona and... I forgot the other one... another Scraggy?).

    So you know Spanish? And 5th Gen RNGing?
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