Magistrate of Metal

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  • when do you wanna play for UU Open R2? I'm GMT+2
    Magistrate of Metal
    Magistrate of Metal
    I’m GMT -6. I get off work at 1am your time, so I could play Saturday so the time difference isn’t as problematic.
    sounds good
    r1 for nu open when can u play
    Magistrate of Metal
    Magistrate of Metal
    I'm US Central (UTC -6). I can play 7/9 from 4-6:30 PM, 7/10 9-11:30 AM, 7/12 9-11:30 AM or 1-4PM or 10pm-1am, 7/13 9-11:30 AM or 1-4PM or 10pm-1am. If those don't work, let me know ASAP because my weekend is hella crazy
    sure does 4pm ur time at 7/9 works i'll be on the smog server with Username of Zarakro
    Magistrate of Metal
    Magistrate of Metal
    sounds great!
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