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  • Hey we are battling for the R3 pairings of the VGC 17 tour. I can battle today 1-6 pm, 6 - 10 pm Monday pacific time, or Tues 1 pm to 2 pm, or Friday 4 pm to 10 pm. Please let me know what works for you.
    Hey! Are you there right now? We could do the match right now if you want to :)
    You are talking to me right now on Showdown. We can do it now. Just gotta transfer the team over.
    hey man, i am GMT+11, let me know when you are available to play for VGC tour. im around for the rest of today and all of tomorrow, otherwise past 6PM my time during week days
    hmmm idk i have an exam on monday :/

    saturday would be better, is there a time you'd be available on saturday?
    Ah sorry I'm quite busy today.

    Are you usually on a german PO server so I could check if you're there when I'm available?
    Sorry, irl stuff came up, guess we'll battle tomorrow at 5 pm, if you use IRC pm me there (I go on as Luck on synirc), alternatively you can find me on the main PO server as Luck>Skill, it doesn't matter if you don't want to battle there, but finding me there is a lot easier, then we can pick a sim / server
    well, I won't be able to play until Tuesday.

    I'm GMT +1 and I'm usually online in my afternoons. I think we should play this Wednesday, because I'll go to Milan next Friday.

    Do you go to Milan or only to Bochum? ^^
    Same timezone for me so I guess it will be easy to play :) I'm avaible I guess this week end if you are most likely on sunday.
    I'm in school right now, but I get out @ 11:00am for the next 2 days. (Est) so I can do this today at 5 or later, or tomorrow at 2 or later. (Pm est)
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