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  • Yo, we're opp in the battle factory tournament. When can you play? I'm GMT+1.
    Hey man,

    You up for our battle for the XY tourney? I'm on PS atm :)
    I'll be asleep in about an hour and won't be able to play until about 6pm GMT tomorrow (I'm UK, 20 hours time). Hit me up whenever you've got a spare 5 mins tomorrow after that point :)
    Hey man I'll be around for the next 4 hours or so
    I'll be around for about 6 hours from now :)
    hi, we have to play for the LCRUNU Tourney

    I'm GMT+1 and I'm usually online in my afternoons and evenings.
    Tell me when can you play
    i usually deal with rotom in either of 3 ways weaken it with my own rotom-w and just slowly kill it, kill it with scarftar if its at low enuf health with a stone edge as u outspeed it and the third way is to secret sword it with specskeldeo if its at low enuf health ^^
    today is the last day, i can do anytime between 5 and 6 pst... please just tell me a time?
    hey loser's farm league week 2! i can play pretty much whenever after about 3pm est, i prefer ps but i can play po, what times are good for you?
    dude can you not team reveal? what the fuck, edit your post please =.= wooow
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