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  • Well, I guess I will be using the team from last year that you let me use if that's ok. One thing though, for some reason I removed the item on tornadus, and im not sure if the item on the other lead mienshao is right ether. Do you remember what they were?
    Hey man, hows things going for you lately?

    Looks like the excitements starting early, with the upcoming wi-fi tournament and what not.
    hey it seems you like zelda stuff so here's a pic i found, not sure if you seen it yet

    Sorry I forgot and now I'm 30 minutes late. :( If you get this vm get on irc and message me. I'll be on skarmbliss!
    Hey is it possible if I can get another copy of Thundurus aka Zephos. We traded that for some of my dw females a while back.
    Any chance you'll be in IRC tonight? I'm bubbling with excitement over my recent triumphs! Also, I'd love your feedback and tutelage!
    Oops, I should have read the sig first...

    Hey, do you by any chance have a flawless impish or careful (sturdy) skarmory??
    Thank you. I'll want it in Gen 4 if you still have it available there.
    When/if you have the time (I know you're probably busy with the soon-to-be new baby), can you send me another copy of your World's Weavile, please?

    I originally got it from you, and was going to trade a copy to someone for a BP, but I can't give them my SS FC due to the bottom screen on my DS being glitchy, and unreadable. I only know my Plat/HG/B/W FCs, so I need it on one of those carts.
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