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  • Hello! For the what's new in NU article, I would like it if you drew a Fraxure.
    T u T

    I . . . . . . . . I
    I . . . . . . . . I

    I made you a birthday card.

    At States, I played against a Trollant deck. The first thing they did was Catcher up Eel. No problem, I figured I could Retreat in two turns, one if I managed to get a DCE. Nope. No DCE, and the opponent used a Crushing Hammer four times and landed heads on all of those. This, people, is why you run Vileplume in Eel decks.
    hi, so the ru featured rmt isnt using qht because its outdated, the team that will be used is posted in the thread. Can you check the thread to see if you have time to redo some of the art (Uxie still works) and get back to me or windsong so we can look for another artist if you cant. Thanks.
    The Obama machine is gearing up, flush with corrupt Corzine cash and willing to employ every Chicago strong-arm tactic to win. So the time is now to build the organic and upstanding movement to FIRE Obama and turn our nation around.
    hi i don't know you really but i am a big fan of your DO DRUGS gastly on the lc thing in the smog!
    Such a late response smh
    also you're a cool guy you should go on irc
    #smeargle is the best channel
    I am eternally sorry Mr. Nada J. Somos, but due to the period of time between my post for the Steel art and yours I have already contacted SDS through the medium of IRC and agreed upon producing art for said article
    I am deeply apologetic for any harm and emotional distress I may have cause you
    Yours sincerely,
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