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  • Since its harder for u, feel free to post a time that could fit for both of us... Only by morning in my time is impossible to find me on. xD
    We hav to play for UU Open. I'm GMT-3 and use to be online at afternoon and evening.

    Tell me your best time to play. =]
    you need to go on the channel #genvuu or #pokemon, then left click my name and press "send message" or whatever.

    never mind though. i dont want to play on PS because the server is shit, can you play on the server Groudon's Grotto on PO?
    Yeahhh... I keep trying to find you on PS under the names you gave me and I haven't had any luck. You should try and come on #genvuu on synIRC and look for me there in the afternoon. It'll be a lot easier to battle that way due to how retarded PS can get sometimes anyway.
    hi, we're opponents for the uu open. my timezone is EST but my schedule is very erratic, so it'd be best if you let me know when you're typically available so we can schedule something
    Hi, i don't know your timezone, so i can't say a time for to play. I'm actually GMT+2 and i'm usually available since 4 to 9 pm
    So how does this work? How does the sav file turns into a Pokemon?
    And is pokesav popular?
    Hey, Neto. If you want some GP checks on the Cloyster analysis, you can PM a mod like Rising Dusk to do it for you. PM at least two GP checkers.
    Sorry I was sleeping, I got school D:
    How about Friday, because my tourney deadline ends soon, so can you trade tomorrow? I'll be on all day.
    Hey man, I got a friend of mine making me a similar team with only like 3 poke changing, so you don't have to trade if you don't have the time. Thanks!
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