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  • Gonna step away from the computer for a bit, but I'll be back soon, hopefully we'll be ready to get some trades goin
    Heya, I'm all set to begin trading. Use my Diamond FC: 1289 4750 7326

    I know it's last second, but I just noticed I don't have Whismur in my Pokedex; if you have one, can you throw it in too? If not, don't worry about it, he's not very difficult for me to obtain otherwise.
    Great, I'll be ready for you tomorrow morning (my time) then. You mentioned you wanted Earthquake and Stealth Rock, anything else? Otherwise I'll just give you 3 of each.
    Dang, Mawile is the one guy that I actually quite like and would be interested in keeping :P. If you can try to get one between now and the weekend that'd be great, but if it's too much of a pain, then don't worry about it. I'll still do the trades with you for sure.
    Yeah, sorry I didn't get back to you earlier; my work hours are subject to change on very short notice, so I wasn't able to get online at 3 yesterday like I had hoped >< I still want to do the trades with you though, maybe we could shoot for some time this weekend? I can get on in the morning which will be a better time for you, probably.
    Dang, gotta head of to work right now, but I'll be home around 3 PST - I don't know what timezone you're in, so look for me in about 6-7 hours. I'd be more than glad to hand you a few TMs, just so long as you don't mind hax - I use AR to get 99x of each, so I can give you as many as you need xP Thanks much!
    You don't need to call me sir, I'm only 14 years old :D.
    It's nice that you learned somethink cos it's always usefull if you learn something and you have later benefit of it.
    In the battle me thread I saw that you did want to do a OU battle. I would really like to battle you but is it fine if it's a roullette ( 1 to 27)
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