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  • I sorta needed these guys cloned fast, so I got some1 else to clone them. but if you can get the guys in my wants post, ill be very grateful.
    Okay I just need 3 copies of one Pokemon and one of another, all dratini's. You can keep a copy of each of course. Anyway, what I need are foreign male Pokemon with a 31 in SpA and SpD. I am paying at 1/2 credit per Pokemon that meets the criteria + 1/2 credit per egg move/moves worth noting (Magcargo w/ Heat Wave etc.) Also, paying one bonus credit for these: Dratini w/ ExtremeSpeed, Murkrow w/ some Egg Moves, Magikarp. Sorry if that sounds a bit like a advert for my trade thread!
    Nova, just got two questions.
    1. Would you mind cloning a few Pokemon for me?
    2. Do you have a Japanese (Non-American) copy of the game? If so, I would be willing to do some massive trading with you for very easy to get Pokemon.
    Oh DW yay.Yeah,me love doing some UU DW.Well...would be cool if you provided me with a female DW with 31IV in both attack and speed.Would make my job fastar and easier.If too much trouble just one female with one of those is good enough.Specific HP?
    it is done :).VM whenever you ready.Flawless shiny timid and all that.Baww 30 min,im getting rusty
    Well..i guess i can RNG one more today.Can you supply me with one timid and at least 31 in attack?
    Nova...is there something that you really want badly?Timid rotom is good enough?I can do him in like 15 minutes for you.But it will be non-redi
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