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  • hey hey! were matched for adv ou ssnl. Id like to play from 6pm-9pm +1. Does that work for you?
    Hi, it's our turn at BW Cup, when can you play? I am gmt+2 and during the week I have double work, I am available from 11:20 p.m., but I usually have a small free slot from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. before I go to my second job.
    Dark Eeveon
    Dark Eeveon
    I'm here in case you are, to see if we can make those games
    Dark Eeveon
    Dark Eeveon
    I'm going to wait 20 minutes and then I have to go out, but I'll be back around your 4:30 p.m.

    from your area
    Dark Eeveon
    Dark Eeveon
    I'll be back at 4:30 p.m. I can't wait any longer right now
    Hi there. We play for BW OU Global Championship round one. My timezone is GMT+3. When would you be able to play?
    yeah it's good (didn't know that space+question mark was smth french but yh i kinda mainly speak french)
    it is the most french thing, yes. i will see you on friday at 8.30pm gmt+3/6.30pm gmt+1!
    scheduled time is in 10mins. i am already on main server/smogtours under the name pohjis. you still have time so no rush.
    Please fill out your BW OU Victim of the Week submission if you intend on participating this week
    Le Don
    Le Don
    si tu te crois marrant à faire le mariole avec ton pote en 1v2 et à agro les gens in game + pm c'est que t'as une sacré vie de merde, j'étais juste là pour te le rappeler mon reuf. Tu vas juste manger ton lock la prochaine fois comme ça tu pourras chouiner en silence.:totodiLUL: :totodiLUL: :totodiLUL: :totodiLUL:
    Le Don
    Le Don
    Le Don te salue tt de même et te bloque au passage :blobthumbsup:
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