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  • Hi, I have an egg matching your TSV, would you mind hatching it? Let me know what times work best for you, thanks.
    Hey I saw a post from you on smogon somewhere and was interested in your Friend Safari. Could I add you? FC: 2723-9089-0141. My safari has: Combee, Illumise, and Heracross. Thank you in advance! - Hao
    I dont actually know my friend safari actually but if you could tell me that would be great and yes i beat the elite four
    here's mine 0989-1764-9662
    and you have an amazing friend safari for me at least so...
    Weekly Disaster
    Weekly Disaster
    hey on a side note you have any idea if people can clone mega stones, its just id love to have charizardite x and tyranitar mega dtone but i got y so..
    I wish. No possible way atm besides playing the games over again.
    Weekly Disaster
    Weekly Disaster
    yeah i only have one 3ds so buying x is not an option
    Do you have the Jirachi and Suicune I traded you a long time ago? I lost my HeartGold and as a result no longer have them, so I would appreciate it if you could give me a copy of them. Thanks!
    For ribboning your Milotic, did you make your poffins or buy them from the shop? I used to have a little system worked out, but only for bold Milotics, so I'm a bit lost...
    I think I just battled you in the wifi tourney. If that was you, then good game!
    Thanks a lot! I can wait. I know its a 3rd gen kyogre, but from emerald or sapphire? You used ram hack right?
    Do you want tornadus now?
    Ok. Your shiny kyogre is from sapphire right? i assume you don't have it in 4th gen.
    Your movie victini is from a legit WC? your shiny kyogre is from sapphire right? i assume you don't have it in 4th gen.

    edit: you have 2 shiny BCC scyther in your thread.
    Mai♀ | 02464
    Scizor ♀ (★)
    Adamant | Technician
    IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 6 | 30 | 31
    Location: National Park | Date: Mar. 24, 2011
    Availability: Scyther ut at lv 14.
    Not Redistributable
    I'm really interested in your BCC Scyther, but if you don't want i'll take something else.
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