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  • Hey there! I'm from the singles spotlight team in corsola cove, a project that aims to make content and resources for the competitive pokémon community at large (@ CorsolaCove on twitter); we happened to come across this artwork of yours, and we were wondering if we'd have your permission to use it as background in our graphics. Thanks for your time!
    Something with the Fidelity that makes them Smoother right? Yours are so precise I thought it was Illustrator. The quality of line in those pictures is just fantastic
    Just FYI, the finished product looks great. Here is a screen shot of it if you wanted to see.
    Hey.. I'm liking your artwork. I was wondering if you'd be able to help me out with a project. PM if you're interested please. Thanks =)
    hey do you think that you could create me a picture of medicham that I could use as an avatar? I absolutely love your style.
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