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  • Hey there, I'm your opponent for the Fuk DW tournament in round 1! I'm free to battle pretty much any time of the day any hour so let me know when you'll be able to get this done, thanks :)
    Peje, tenemos que jugar por el torneo RoA GSC OU. Dime cuando te viene bien jugar y con gusto estare ahi xD
    Yo we gotta play for farm league. I'm gmt +1 and on irc most of the time (#ratemyteam #spl) so catch me there when you're ready to battle.
    Sorry, cannot today.
    Have a big paper due on Wednesday. Devoting a ton of time to it, today.
    But, come the time you VMd me, tomorrow,
    I'll be free.
    SPL Farm League, Week 3.
    I'm GMT -5.
    I'd prefer to battle on Groundon's Grotto, POv2.
    I'm available from 5-10 PM in Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
    I'm available from 4-10 PM on Tuesday and Friday.
    I'm available from 11AM-11PM on Saturday and Sunday.
    Only chance I'll stray from this is a bit off inactivity tomorrow from 6pm to 8pm.
    Respond with your timezone, when you can play, and here (hopefully grotto / other
    PO server.)
    Let's be punctual, XD
    So I'm going to try and be available during your 3pm-ish time tomorrow. I hope you'll be willing to battle then. If this is unsatisfactory please tell me when you'll be available. Smogon is usually up on my computer during the day, even if I'm not at it.
    Whenever you want man, gimme some good times for me to catch you so I know when to get online ahead of time.
    Hey dude, sorry I've been out running errands all day. What're the best times I can catch you?
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