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  • I have a ton of points since I often play the Subway for fun. I can buy you any item to give with the Starly if you'd like. :D
    Alright, wanna trade now? :D Also, I'm not that great at building teams but I can try and think of something lol.
    Sorry, really had to go for a while. Anyway, the Starly is Jolly and will have Reckless. It also has a perfect Attack and Speed IV so it's perfectly usable for battles once it's trained, no need to breed a new one! :D
    I thought I'd give some pokes with some special egg moves, I've got Timburr with Mach and Drain Punch, Carvanha with Hydro Pump, Ekans with Sucker Punch, Koffing with Pain Split and Stock Pile, Stunfisk with Yawn and Pain Split, Hippopotas with Slack Off, Stock Pile, Curse and Body Slam, Dwebble with Spikes, Chikorita with Leech Seed and Leaf Storm, Corphish with Dragon Dance, Gulpin with Pain Split, Chingling with Recover, Growlithe with Close Combat and Morning Sun, Ferroseed with Leech Seed and Starly with Double Edge.
    Ok, great, thanks. :D I'll give you an egg move poke or something, do you happen to have a Naive Pichu?
    I don't unfortunately. :( I might be able to get one, probably not today though. So no Pichu? ;__;
    Sorry, I don't seem to have any DW pokes that you don't. If you could still trade me a Pichu though, Id really really appreciate it.
    Great, anything you'd particularly want? I can check your list to see if I've got some new DW pokes you're lacking. Also, can you hack items? Cause if you can, I'd appreciate if you could evolve the Pichu with rare candies/other happiness increasing items. But if not, it's fine, I'll just have to spend some time evolving it lol.
    Edit: Oh sorry, you thread says you don't hack. Shoulda checked first. But that's fine. Me neither. xD
    Well, I never go on the SQSR and rarely go on wifi so i wont be seeing anybody looking for cloning.
    Great, that means I can finally stop always having to asko for cloning! Thanks a ton for the info!
    e ae..ja consegui o timburr ontem de madrugada!
    mas seu doduo ta feito ja, se vc quiser eu te mando ele sem vc precisa me mandar nada ^^
    Sorry but I only accept friend request from people i know really well. Btw, dont be scared of the mods, they're just like us, only epic-er.
    Whoops. I just realized you wanted a DW Chatot. I don't have one of those. :P Sorry about that. We can still do the Nosepass for the Kecleon though. I should be available in about twenty minutes but this particular seed is giving so much trouble... I'lll VM you when I get close.
    I was away for awhile but Cereza offered me the Lapras already but I still need the female Corphish, And sure we can start on gen 5 RNG standard seed abuse then. Would you like to learn how to capture Pokemon first or breed them?
    Alright. Just let me know when it's done.

    Please try to get it done before the 9th of this month as well, if that's not a problem. I'll be taking a trip on that day.
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