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  • Hey Pentupenguin. Would you be interested in some spitback HA Fletchlings, HA Chespin, Mareep, or Klefki for a spitback of your Ferroseed if you have any left over? I'm in need of one atm.
    Yes those guys are Klefki and I do have a female HA Fletchinder in a repeat ball :). Would you happen to have any spitback swift swim poliwags you can throw my way?
    Yep, I'll trade those in for the Fletchinder. You can throw in a spitback anything in exchange for the other Poliwag :P
    If you have a spitback Female Chespin I'd love to take it off your hands :)
    Tomorrow. Tentacool's not nicknamed. He never nicknamed it, or any of the Pokemons when he gave me them.
    I won't be able to until Monday most likely. Sorry.
    I'm leaving for a weekend vacation soon.
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