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  • hi

    my timezone is gmt, and i'm free from 5pm till around 12pm everyday except friday, but i can be on more at the weekend.

    how is around 6pm thursday your time for you?
    Sorry, but I'm booting you from me v The Wanderer; you're almost doubling DQ, and I'd really like the match to be over. Sorry.
    I was just checking to see if you still are in my 1k Melee. Looking over your profile, you only have 1 FE mon, and the challenge requires at least two. If you are awaiting a trade or a specific battle or something (that will finish in less than a day), just tell me, otherwise please retract from the challenge.
    You're my opponent for the Tournament of Thieves.
    My GMT is -4, I can be around 5PM+, though in the weekends I'm the most active.
    Respond when you get on.
    You are past DQ against Chris Teke, but he is giving you an extra day.
    I could do your zombie sprites for your project, but I'm currently in school, so don't expect constant updates. However, these should be easy to execute, so I might be able to pump out at least 10 per day. Please consider me! :>
    Hadn't responded to your PM because I wasn't at a computer until now mate, but the match is up anyway.
    Pikapwnd, you're past DQ time in your Battle Hall challenge. Post by the time I wake up tomorrow (probably around 10 hrs from this post), or I will disqualify you without hesitation. Consider this my one and only warning concerning Battle Hall DQ.
    Post another first action for Lynchies in your match versus TEA_DEMON. I made a small reffing error in leaving his Asleep status on at the end of the round.
    Pikepwnd, you also need to create a arena while you're at it (since Umbreon is forfeiting that right to you).
    Hey, just wanted to let you know that I saw your posts and will be getting to your battle today just as soon as I can.
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