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  • I too have been battling for a while myself and I assure you if you do a little more research you will find out that what you experienced was not uncommon by any means and as the ability states it hits 100% of the time under any circumstance, the only moves that I know of that can stop an attack from a No Guard Machamp are Protect and Detect. If you want to test it out get a friend to battle you on a simulator and then use a No Guard Machamp against a Gyarados using Bounce like in our battle and you will see the exact same thing will happen. And trust me I take no offense to your questions, I just figured I would clear it up for you so you know for the future.
    It called No Guard ability, it puts Machamp's accuracy at 100% no matter what and hits through anything, Dig, Fly, Bounce you name it, been around for quite awhile actually lol. Honestly you're not the first person to ask about that but that is something you should keep in mind for the future when battling vs. Machamps. GG indeed.
    idk what time it is your time, but it is 9:30 here, and I can't be on til around 6 tomorrow.. so that is 20.5 hours I believe from now.. will that work? and I have to get a battle on my computer too.. yt? wanna battle me afterwards?
    If Scizor is Banded, then I did pretty much have it in my opinion. But yeah, I'll play again sometime with a 3rd team lol
    I'm still up for that rematch just so you know. Idk when we can do it though.
    Good game, but I really recommend that you drop HyperBeam on Tyranitar or on any other pokemon really. It's a bad move :/
    I know I responded to your battle request, but something came up so I can't do it now, sorry.
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