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  • Hey, I posted in your trade shop about your CMT request, but you don't seem to have seen it. I asked for a store credit, but it doesn't seem like your thread is active, so instead I'd like to trade for your Victini (if it's a movie 14 Victini) or your Darkrai.
    I actually only want the shiny Archen. You wanted either a Togekiss or my Jellicent. Can I have the Archen nicknamed Arch?
    Thanks for reminding me of the pending trade. The trade sounds good, but it sounded like u said u wanted a shiny Jellicent, but the one in my thread (at least the bold one) isn't shiny. I have a shiny Calm one with HP Fire 70. And for the timid Togekiss which set do you want or do u prefer UT?
    Look in my signature on my post, or go to my statistics and find all threads started by me. Then just look at my trade thread.
    I replied on you trade :)If you can trade files we can get to a deal soon,otherwise we should find another way because I can't use wifi :(
    Could you please shorten your order? You've already asked for quite a few Pokemon, I only thought you would need one or two extra.
    I seem to have lost the PM unfortunately. Sorry! If you wish, you can just specify what two you would also like and I'll get them after a quick trade with someone else.
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