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  • Oh, video wise? I have a ton of homework, managed to finish most of it, so tonight some videos should go up. But idk if I'll get to yours. But if I don;t do it this weekend, then next weekend for sure. :D
    I can give you that and I can also give you that adamant metagross you need. I can actually trade now if you want.
    Haha a rematch would be great! but lol what if i lost xD
    and I have multiple videos i need to do, so hopefully i can get that up this weekend, if not this weekend, for sure the next.
    yeah there were 380 something in my bracket, makes sense cuz it was in philadelphia, and there's no way i could go to nationals, i will never be able to get a ride there :(
    I mad it through lcq, placed 10th at worlds, my first ever vgc tourney with a 3-2 record, my losses to Human and david arnold
    saboros won't be there, but me and fan definitely will. You should introduce yourself to everybody, I thought you were nice, so I'm sure they'd like you! :D
    Yeah I just started playing last year a month before the worlds LCQ
    OHWAIT I just read your sig, so then you've been playing VGC longer than me :o
    well gg anyway man, and actually nah i'd rather just win and not have to play you ;)
    Hey man, good job for your first time! (right?)
    Mark my words, I WILL have revenge for the timer stall at nats! xD
    yeah, pretty much the same thing happened to me in that i was 6-0 and then lost to undefeated guy, but he lost to the reigning national champ, no surprise there. And I mean I could go to nationals if I wanted to, seeing as it's open.......anybody can go.....
    Congrats, Jeremy told me about your game with him! I knew you'd do well with such a good team. You're a great player. See you at Nationals =)
    I placed 7th in my bracket, I was 6-1 in all, but the only person I lost to was undefeated (we were the only ones left who were 6-0 before our battle) and he went on to the finals.
    well, i actually havent quite finished training....like literally 30 minutes more. but yeah lets just battle afterwards
    oh right, i forgot you were in a different time zone. Well, im guess its pretty late for you now, but i could battle pretty soon.
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