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  • Hey, when would you be avaivable to play for HFA? I'm GMT+2 and usually online from 8 PM to 12PM
    Hey, when would you be avaivable to play for HFA? I'm GMT+2 and usually online from 8 PM to 12PM
    Hi, we have to play for homefield. My timezone is GMT+1. I'll be available basically the whole weekend, I've chosen to play BW Ubers.
    How about Monday morning? What's the earliest you can battle? lol either that or tuesday night around 8:30?
    Unless you are available Sunday evening after 8 PM or so, I don't think we will get to play the Homefield match.
    Can we play Friday morning? I am GMT -8. I go on PS as rijsttafel, and use no other battling programs. I am going to be gone for the weekend so today would be best. I thought I had contacted you before today but I guess not, so this is entirely my fault. The activity is yours if you can't make it today.
    Just look for me on server i'm online most of the time on my mod account, just message me whenever
    you're my opponent for the first round of the vgc mini tour, let me know when you can play :)
    we're paired for home field this week. im gmt +1 and im mostly available in the afternoons, pls tell me what times are you available
    Hey, when would you be avaivable to play for HFA? I'm GMT+2 and usually online from 8 PM to 12PM
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