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  • Hey, we're matched up for OST, when can you play? I'm GMT+1
    Quantum Mechanics
    Hey, I'm at GMT -3. Do you have any preference? I'm available every day from 7 PM onwards
    The weekend would work best for me then
    Quantum Mechanics
    Hey, are you online? Can we play? On as TR_Victini
    We're rivales un RBY OU, I'm gmt +1, when can u play?
    Quantum Mechanics
    Hey, I'm GMT -3. I can play everyday after 7 PM here. Do you have any preferences?
    Quantum Mechanics
    Can you play today? I'll be home at 8 PM and we are at daylight saving time here. Just gonna play my other game than, if you can, I'll play you
    well, it's obviously not possible for me to stay up that late so idk what to do if we don't get the extension, I have been very active but if you can't get on it's impossible to play
    I'm going to be away this whole weekend, from Friday to Monday...I could probably do night, like 11 PM or so...can't do weekend.
    I'm GMT-4, I would prefer to play this morning/afternoon, tomorrow, or Thursday. I could play on Friday morning/afternoon as well, but I'll be away for the weekend starting at 3 PM (4 PM your time) on Friday, so I'd like to get it done before then. How about we schedule an exact time to meet up?
    tomorrow I can't play, but on wednesday I will be online from 12 am-10 pm your timezone, what times you could play?
    oh, I hadn't realized I had been subbed in -.- sorry, i havent really been on smogon and I don't even have a team ready for this. you can have the win.
    Thanks. Why those EV's? The subs still can't survive a gyro ball from ferrothorn, nor can they reliably survive a power whip.
    Hey dude, I know this is random, but do you mind telling me that thundurs set you used against golden sun in the world cup?
    I'm -5 (Eastern Time, Ontario, Canada). Me being on depends solely on my work schedule, though I'm sure I'll be on once or twice when you are :) I'll look for you if you look for me ;) my name on PO is [TUS] Charizard92
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