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  • 108526

    Ubisoft tipped us off to a new Flash game they've made to promote Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Now, it may just be that I've been playing a lot of Tomena Sanner lately but I think this is damn good.

    You can check out the game here. I do recommend it. A surprisingly fun diversion, this.

    Flash Games for Teenagers
    Games for Kids
    Arcade games
    Adventure games
    Casino games
    Hey, i was just wondering if your username was once named something like this "xxjessicarabbitxx" something like that. Because your avatar looks a lil bit too familar xP
    Ohhh my goodness. Wi-fi is being a nightmare. Will post when I have access again.
    ATTENTION to everyone with whom I have pending trades: I am headed to the beach this weekend where I won't have access to Wifi. If you see me online, I'm leeching off the neighbors' (shhh!) but probably won't be able to get the DS to connect. Sorry for the inconvenience and I'll hopefully see you all when I return on Monday.
    hello i am back on and i can trade now :) (it was mattj's teddiursa for your ev'd hidden power ice gengar)
    If you like i can give him the origin english names.
    Yeah VM me when you are ready to trade
    Do you like nicknames for Dewgong and linoone?? the origin names are Jugong and Geradaks (German)
    Hey thanks for the trade.
    Do you know the difference (if at all) there is between the green and yellow sides in the Wi-Fi room?
    Oh, perhaps its that you have HG/SS.
    Thanks again
    You ready to trade the Machamp for your Horsea?
    Platinum FC please and clone a copy back for me.
    Thanks ^^
    Yes! Back in my YouTube days (as a different person), I ran an incredible set of Fake Out, Payback, Return, and U-Turn
    I was thinkin' another Fire type...I have all the Fire starters
    Charmander - personally bred
    Cyndaquil - BP from Arranf
    Torchic - traded from awesome possom
    Chimchar - BP from Blaine

    I've done Vulpix and Ponyta...ARGH
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