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  • Getting back into OU and Smogon in general. I could use a battle / discussion friend. :)
    Can I get involved in your rng/breeding? I'm generally really good at that stuff and I think I could help your situation.
    Not too good. The whole thread has gone to waste now. I'm RNGing my own things. Never thought to restart a new trade thread.
    Yeah, trying to hold hold the steering wheel was like trying to hold onto a hot frying pan with your bare hands.
    I asked Lati O's to help me with 5th Gen RNG. No reply back yet. There's also a few Poke'mon I wanna poke'shift, but need cloning first.
    Well then, it seems to me that the Melotta user has complete control over which form she is in for the entire battle. If they choose to use a move which causes them to have two of the same form on their team, it would either fail (much like the current sleep clause prevents you from putting two of the opponent's pokemon to sleep at the same time), or they would lose.
    Sorry but I don't know anything about Melotta. Though doesn't it always start as one form, and the only way to get the other is by using Ancient Song?
    Catch me on irc sometime or another, either on #underused or #littlecup and I'll try and help you out :)
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